Monday, February 13, 2006

VD Isn't Just for Lovers Anymore

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

As I write, another Valentine's Day is rapidly approaching. Touching yourself while watching curling not how you envisioned your February 14 this year? Do you think taking your date out for an expensive dinner will get you laid? Allow me to assist the singular and plural among you: Sound-collage-art-punk-noise-pop at Hemlock Tavern. Microphones? NYC's Japanther don't need microphones. They use old telephones that distort their voices and make them nearly impossible to understand even on record. Violence? Rest assured that there will likely be at least a touch of violence. Apparently they've calmed down somewhat since their earlier notorious shows, but one of my friends spent a portion of the last show he saw avoiding being hit by a chair. Does that sound romantic enough for you? You may be thinking to yourself, "It sounds great, but what does found-sound-art-punk-noise-pop sound like?" Fucking loud and fucking beautiful. It'd take a track-by-track review of Master of Pigeons (the only Japanther album I possess, unfortunately) for me to express their sound to you, its late, and this is just a blog after all, so you're going to have to settle for this: Heavy riffs, distorted vocals, sampling, pop melodies, and feedback, for a start. Its some of the noisiest music I can't help but dance to every time I hear it. Listen to a song off their new record here. If you don't like it, sit back, watch some curling and wonder why you aren't getting laid. Maybe you should get out more.


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